


Slide Scanning

Recently I’ve taken the time to scan some slides that my folks have. I’ve always been fascinated with them, especially as we deal with so many pictures on a daily basis. These were printed out, and in a format that required a special machine, where you all sit around and watch – for better or worse. For some reason, I’ve found this very fun and I figured I’d give a little “how-to” for anyone that was curious as how I went about it, along with a few before/afters.

Here is a picture of my setup (ignore stuff in the background, I was outside until I got too cold).

The equipment I’m using:

  • Nikon D800 w/ 5 stop bracketing at 1EV each stop (-2 to +2)
  • 105mm f/2.8G ED-IF AF-S VR Micro-Nikkor
  • Manfrotto 322RC2 Ball Head
  • Manfrotto 055MF3 Tripod
  • Super cheap eBay Manual Macro Lens Extension Tube Ring
  • Nikon BR-5 mount ring 62mm
  • Nikon BR2A lens reversing ring 52mm
  • Nikon BR-3 52mm Mount Adapter ring
  • Nikon Slide Copy Adapter ES-1 52mm
  • Lightroom tethered to camera
  • HDR Efex Pro 2

I set the camera to bracketed exposure – 5 shots from -2EV to +2EV. I then tether the camera to lightroom, and quickly fire off the 5 shots (I tether so that I’m not touching the camera and so I can better see the output on screen). In lightroom I stack the images, properly set a realistic date, and then export to HDR Efex Pro 2 to combine all 5 images together. Depending on the type of shot, I select different settings. As you can see from below, it makes a pretty big difference.

Before imageAfter image

One I have the final image, I color correct it, based on the slide type and color cast. For example, Kodachrome has a distinctive blue tint to it which should be corrected. And tada!

Before imageAfter image

Here is a timelapse of roughly every 30 seconds of the super blood wolf moon that happened a few weeks ago. It was supposed to be cloudy, but it turned out to be perfectly clear for the vast majority of it. This is comprised of 354 images and was processed in ImageJ.