Saw this guy while I was cleaning off the fence this afternoon. When the wind picked up, he’d rock back and forth to imitate. Hilarious.
Saw this guy while I was cleaning off the fence this afternoon. When the wind picked up, he’d rock back and forth to imitate. Hilarious.
I’ve been going through some of my Lightroom libraries, and came across this one from when my family was in earlier in the year. Maybe it’s the time of the year (spring), but I’ve been doing a bit of cleaning, and thought I’d do the same with Lightroom. In the past, I’ve been importing everything I take, but I think I’m going to start pruning a bit of my imports. I’m not getting crazy and only keeping the ones I think are great now, but I’m definitely going to stop importing any that I immediately mark for rejection. It’ll help save a bit of space too!
Yow-Yow was enjoying some chia seeds steeped in hot water, and we noticed that they began to separate into this cool pattern. Needless to say, I grabbed my camera, a smaller glass of them, and headed into the sun (22C here btw today, best winter ever). The reason the are suspended is because of a gelatine of some sort that surrounds them once immersed in water. It’s sort of like a tapioca ball with a crunchy center.
Anyways, as you can see, I took a bunch from different angles. While I like the main one the best, these next three are pretty sweet too!
Each morning I’m out pretty early to walk the dog. Most days I kick myself for not bringing my camera as we’ve had some very calm (chilly) and beautiful mornings. Of course, today I woke up early enough on my own accord, but it was cloudy out.
While I didn’t get up as early as I would’ve for the sunrise had it not been cloudy, I did get up early enough to get some of the decent light. I’ve got a few that I’m pretty happy with including yet another pano I put together. However, I wanted to throw out a few other ones prior to that one.
In other news, I’ve updated the galleries a bit if you haven’t been there lately. I was never really a fan of the default stuff from NextGen. In fact, I’m still not 100% sure I’m a fan of NextGen (really, REALLY, want it to support video). However, while the galleries look completely different, they are still using NextGen in the background. However, now I have it fronted with Justified Image Grid to update the look a bit. In addition, there should be no more pagination! Just keep on scrolling (looking to implement on other sites).
As always, I’m still tweaking with the ability to purchase images. If for some reason it isn’t working just drop me a line.
While we were out on Adam’s boat the previous weekend, we anchored outside Brighton Beach to enjoy lunch. As Wikipedia says, Brighton Beach is know for its 82 colourful bathing boxes, which are the closest to the CBD.
Well, here’s a picture of almost all of them! I think there were 3 or 4 further to the right that I didn’t notice until we cast off again.
This guy was walking down the old break water at the end of the Yarra River. I’m guessing the tide was rising, so it’s a good thing he had the pole!
When we were in the Grampians, there were so many kangaroos. Pretty much every night, we had our own little round-up in order to grab some pretty epic pictures. This is one from the D800 and my 80-200m lens.
Yow-Yow liked it so much, she printed it out on canvas to hang in the house!
Well, it has finally happened. I have received my new Nikon D800 and have started taking and posting pictures. My lord this is a lot of camera!
It’s amazing the amount of detail you can capture with it. Talk about a jump going from my D70s to D800. I’d do a table, but at the end of the day, it’s just not comparable. I mean, I’m jumping from a 6MP camera from 2005 to a 36MP pro-DSLR from 2012 (full comparison at DPReview). Nothing like 4+ generation jumps to really get a sense of the difference.
By far the biggest thing I’m enjoying is in the better low-light and low ISO pictures. I know I was starting to feel the limit on some of my pictures due to the grain in them. However, it’s like I’ve started all over again with this.
Take for example today’s picture. Here is a 1:1 crop of Lee’s glasses. That’s the paper my Mom is reading next to him. Just incredible the amount of detail! And that’s with it not completely in focus!
However, there are some challenges. I’m still trying to figure out what the correct sizes and settings are for uploading to the website. With the old camera, I was uploading what were essentially the jpeg originals. However, that’s not going to cut it now. I’ve had to rethink the galleries a bit, along with what I’m going to do with these individual posts.
Therefore, there may be some changes as I figure it out. Things such as Sell Media aren’t really doing what I want, so that may go too. I’ll just need to figure it out as I go, which is definitely the fun!
In other news, I’ll be doing a shoot of the Sustainable Living Festival next weekend. Should be a good time, as it’s been awhile since doing anything like that again.