I was supposed to have my final walkthrough of the place yesterday, but apparently they haven’t moved anything out. So instead, it’s for today after work. Tomorrow at 1:30 is the closing. So, excited!
I was supposed to have my final walkthrough of the place yesterday, but apparently they haven’t moved anything out. So instead, it’s for today after work. Tomorrow at 1:30 is the closing. So, excited!
Another gorgeous day out. Spent about 5 hours outside walking around down by the lake. Brought the camera and a book, but didn’t actually take any pictures. I wanted to get a pic or two of the set of the next Batman movie, but they took down all the Gotham National Bank signage on the old post office building.
Man, so it’s obvious when I go out isn’t it, because that’s when the next day doesn’t have an image. Maybe I should start doing future entries again?
Another weekend of 80 degree weather followed by a week of cooler weather. At least it’s not supposed to snow this time.
Totally not a sun, but I still like it anyways. In other news, as of a week from today I should have the keys to my own, purchased, place! I’m crazy excited, and definitely looking forward to buying new stuff for it!
Wow, spring is definitely here again. However, the last time it was warm like this we got snow a few days later. Hopefully that’s not the case this time!
Oops, missed yesterday. However, today was gorgeous out. Actually brought out the bike for the first time this year, and sadly got a little too much sun. 🙂
I think this will be the last image in this series. There’s one more, but I just don’t think I’m happy with it. We’ll see though.
Like I said yesterday, I saw the profile of this book on the ledge outside, and I just couldn’t resist.